Saturday, December 16, 2006

What does crochet mean to me?

I find crafts are relaxing, and crochet is enjoyable for me. I like to crochet for many reasons,one of which is that it makes me think of my Gram.
I was always my Grandparents girl,I was the oldest of the grandchildren over twenty of them. When I could be with them I was there. I enjoyed their company,and eventually lived with them for many years.
Now I am getting older,55,and due to a back injury,
[I am feeling about 155,} I have the opportunity to craft more these days,and I have found it very relaxing and satisfying to produce hand made items.
At this time I have produced two storage bins of items{both loomed and crocheted},I am working on gifts,and I would like to donate some to homeless shelters.
This is a rambling kind of post,but I was having trouble sleeping,a lot of pain tonight,so I am rambling on.
But if you haven't tried to crochet,try it I am sure you will enjoy,and if you have tried it, I hope you enjoy and have the time to Create lots of items.

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Crochet Scarf Kit
